(647) 249-2930
90 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Suite 1400, Mississauga
1221 Brickell Ave, Suite 900, Miami, FL 33131


05 Mar
Application Portfolio Management and Optimization – an MRI Tool
Category: Resources, Service, Technology, Unca...
APA-Knowsys-and-CAST-Overview-MRI-1 Curious how Knowsys can help automate your Application Portfolio Management and Optimization? Do you have an outdated and highly customized appl...
19 Feb
Agile Product Management and Ownership
Category: Resources, Service, Technology
An Executive Overview of Agile Product Management and Ownership Contact us today to learn how we can help guide your organization as it moves towards Product Management and Ownersh...
19 Feb
Customers First, Digital Second
Category: Blog, Resources, Uncategorized
Mary-Ann Massad, CEO of Knowsys Group shares insight, examples, and recommendations on why companies need to keep customers first as they invest in their digital footprint. Click B...
20 Jan
2019: On Death and Passion
Category: Blog
By: Founder and CEO, Mary-Ann Massad As I look back on 2019, I have had to ponder many truths, including death and passion. It seems incongruous that death and passion could be men...
22 Mar
Big Data Architect
Category: Job Opening
The ideal candidate will be a proponent for innovation, best practices, sound design, development standardization and frameworks and efficient team structures. 10+ combined years i...
22 Mar
Big Data DBA / Developer
Category: Job Opening
As part of our growing Big Data practice, we are looking for consultants with the experience and skills related to data prep, cleansing, transformation, and visualization. Outstand...
22 Mar
IT and Software Asset Management Consultant
Category: Job Opening
Knowsys Group is looking to add to our growing IT and Software Asset Management discipline. We provide our clients with Managed Services, Risk Assessments, Compliance Positions, an...
22 Mar
Why should a CEO, the Board, CFO, and CIO care about Software License Compliance and Risk Management?
Category: Resources
If earnings are a priority, then unnecessary expense leakage and minimizing unpredictable and uncontrolled financial risk should be as well. Software License Compliance and Risk Ma...
16 Jan
Digital Transformation Strategist/Architect
Category: Job Opening
You have a twenty-year plus track-record having managed digital transformation in financial services and/or retail and distribution. You bring mobile, e-commerce, big data, call ce...
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